eN arts





Keisuke Matsuda Solo Exhibition

2024.02.16(fri.)- 03.10 (sun.)
open on fri., sat., & sun. 12:00-18:00
appointments are available on weekdays


eN-arts is pleased to announce a Matsuda Keisuke Solo Exhibition opening on 16 February 2024.

Matsuda’s works tend to be categorized as abstract paintings, with their bold and clean brush strokes, their composition on the canvas, and their effortless originality. Matsuda simply explains that “I am simply portraying my world – what is in front of my eyes – as accurately as possible.” In other words, his works are figurative art. The changes in the environment surrounding him, his various experiences, and his ever-changing feelings are condensed into his works, making them in effect a true depiction of “my world – right in front of me” that only Matsuda can see. However, even in his mind, that “world” appears and disappears like a bubbles… Thus, without hesitation, you too must try taking a moment to draw the world as you see it. This is how Matsuda’s works, uniquely his world, are created. In recent years, Matsuda has developed an interest in ceramic art and has begun to project his “world” into his ceramic works. Please enjoy this solo exhibition of Keisuke Matsuda, who continues to develop his singular world while exploring the interrelationship between two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects.

Naomi Rowe | eN arts


“I’m trying to convert the reality in front of me into paintings. For a few years now, I have started making three-dimensional ceramic works, and I realized that images of the world don’t matter in dimension. Based on this, I would like to explore expressions through painting again and present them to you.”

Keisuke Matsuda


Press Release
