Fumiko Kobayashi Solo Exhibition
2010.08.01(sun.)- 08.29(sun.)
open 12:00-18:00 on fri., sat. & sun.
appointments are available on weekdays
opening reception : 08. 01 (sun) 18:00-20:00
Notice that “things” we see in our daily life have places where they belong? Whencominghome,don’tyouplacecarkeysandhousekeysincertainplaces? Orbeforeshowering,don’tyou take off and leave your pyjamas in specific spot? And we realize that those locations have been fixed unconsciously. FumikoKobayashiletthose“things”travelandcreateinstallations. Kobayashi,herself,travelsal overtheworldandexperiencedseveralartist-in-residenceprograms. Kobayashirealized“BEFORE&AFTER”of herself, which means the present Kobayashi who transferred in time and space is never the same as Kobayashi at theorigin. Inordertoexpressthewonderofthetransferintime&space,Kobayashi,aresidentofTokyo,stays andcreateshernewworksineNarts,Kyoto. InAugust2010,eNartswillbetransformedintoaplacewherewe become free to travel in time, location, and space.
Naomi Rowe | eN arts
When walking, I find myself deep in the mountains and see a few ridgelines of mountains around me. The ridgelines overlap and collide each other, or fall into the ocean. When floating in the ocean, the sun that is supposed to be far away rides on waves and bump into me. I continue to accept the sun in the waves but gradually I melt into the waves and result in stumbling the reality on the beach. I would like to express those stumbles in my work.
Fumiko Kobayashi